Learning Center at HASKATASUN


Program Information & Details


 We will continue to offer the same day schedule

8.15-2.45 M-Th and 8.15-12.45 Fridays.

The holiday schedule will also remain the same.

We do anticipate ending June 17th, 2021.


Every teacher has been hired by FOTTW. The learning Center program will be operated at Haskatasun and Sierra College, with the goal to have all students at Haskatasun in the future.   


The Learning Center is operated by FOTTW.  As some of you already know, FOTTW is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation with a passionate mission to bring Waldorf education to our Tahoe community. It was created by local parents and they continue to serve on its Board of Directors today. FOTTW is also the owner of the property located at Union Mills, our beloved Haskatasun.

A committee of the FOTTW board will support the program. A leadership team with a part time financial director, operational director and pedagogical director will be put in place in the upcoming weeks and the names of those directors will be announced. We already have likely candidates for those roles but the board needs to finalize them.

 We are happy to say that Serenity Enriquez will be continuing in her role as an administrative assistant.



Should you have any program related questions, be running late or need to let us know your child will not be attending a certain day, communication through the Slack app is the fastest. Please notify Serenity on Slack. You can also email us at programs@fottw.org which will be checked daily. We are working on a phone line and hope to have one set up within the next week. If you have an emergency before then, please email programs@fottw.org.

We will be asking for parent involvement and feedback with regard to fundraising events and next year’s options in the near future.



We will be following the health guidelines set forth by TTUSD. You can read them here. One difference is that we will accommodate vaccinated and unvaccinated volunteers as long as they test weekly. This practice has been standard for many educational programs for months now following CDC recommendations.

All other safety policies will remain approximately the same as they were previously under Golden Valley Tahoe School. Should you need more details about anything please reach out to programs@fottw.org.