A Commitment to Progress


We declare our commitment to anti-racism.

We commit to learn and unlearn together in humility and to actively appeal for equity and social justice across all our interactions both inside and outside of our organization.

We are addressing the following questions:

• How do we participate, consciously or unconsciously in systemic racism?

• How has education played a role in creating systemic racism and how does education play its role in eliminating it?

• What meaningful actions will we take in service to the leadership and agency of people of color?

• Where are the possibilities for us to prioritize racial justice in our work?

As we explore these questions, we are compiling a list of resources for learning about and discussing race and racism with both adults and children. This is not an exhaustive list, and we will continue to update these resources as we find more. We do not have all the answers, and although we commit to being part of the solution, we know we will make mistakes. We humbly invite guidance and grace. We invite you to walk with us, learn with us, grow with us, teach us and change with us.

if you have ideas, comments, concerns or would like to add to this list of resources, please email liz@fottw.org.

For Adults

For You and Your Children

Liz Sheppard